Thursday, May 19, 2011

A little history

This is kind of a long post...a 'little' history might not be the right title.

My husband and I were married in April of 2007. We decided that we wanted to start a family right off the bat. So in July I went off birth control and payed a visit to my family doctor. She was excited and got me on prenatal vitamins. At that time, our only concern was that prior to going on birth control (several year earlier) I never had a regular, predictable cycle. I would go for 6 months or more without a period and never thought twice. Since I had been on birth control for so long, she was hopeful that my body had 'figured it out.' So off we went...

28 days later I started my period and everything seemed right on track. I got excited when I didn't start 28 days after that, but on day 34...there is was. And after numerous negative pregnancy tests, my heart sank when I finally started 45 days later. I'm sure you see the pattern that started. Keep in mind, we are only 4 months into trying to conceive and are already feeling defeated.

Medication #1 - Metformin - one major side effect to this medication is 'tummy troubles.' So we went with plan B.
Medication #2 - Glumetza - the objective of both of these medications is to help regulate periods by gently nudging hormone production.

So now it's December and I haven't had a period in 60 days. After a quick check with the family doctor, she prescribes...

Medication #3 - Provera - the dreaded Provera pills. My RE kindly refers to these as "the PMS pills" if that gives you any indication as to what they do. These pills manipulate the hormones to enforce shedding of the uterine lining (a.k.a. it makes you have the worst period of your life).

Due to insurance changes and ease of paying bills, I switched my PCP to the man my husband has seen for years, Dr. H. Why not go and see if he has any suggestions? His first response was that I needed to go to an OBGYN. Other than him obviously not wanting to do a female exam, he admitted that he wouldn't be able to help any more than my previous doctor. I thank him for that.

After a few phone calls, I find an OB that I think can help me, Dr. N. At visit number one she says I 'may' have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome). She increases my Glumetza dose and says I'll be pregnant in no time. Keep in mind, I've now had to have another dose of 3 months later, I haven't had another period, I'm not pregnant, and I'm getting pissed. Dr. N finally orders a test.

Let me interject a little here. It's been almost a year and we are having obvious problems getting pregnant. Most of my family and friends have no idea where I am emotionally and with very few exceptions, all I keep hearing is "relax, it will happen" or "it just takes a little time sometimes." This is not what a woman wants to hear when things have been going this bad for this long.

I had an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) in May 2008. Now, if you've never had one of these done, it's not fun. Where I had mine done, they didn't have OB tables in the X-ray department. It's very difficult to get in the right position on a metal table and no stirrups. They insert a catheter into the uterus, close off the end, and inject X-ray dye. Then they take a lot of X-rays to determine if the fallopian tubes are open. At least, that's what I was told.

5 days later the nurse at my OB's office called and said, "You need to make an appointment with Dr. P. Dr. N is refusing to treat you at this point." (Not the right way to say that to a patient.) After some dumbfounded pauses (from me) and a lot of questions I finally get just enough of an explanation that I can scare myself stupid. She said that the HSG relieved that I may have a bicornuate uterus and I need to see a specialist to find out what needs to be done.

Now, I'm a googler. If I don't know something, I will spend hours on end looking up as much as I possibly can on the subject. Go ahead and google "bicornuate uterus," I dare ya. This condition can range from 'bad, but probably fixable' to 'there's nothing we can do and you should never try to become pregnant because there's no way you can carry a child to term.' You see where my brain went. 2 excruciating weeks later I finally get in to see Dr. P and get some answers.

I had to wait 2 weeks to get an answer, you'll just have to wait till tomorrow. I'd hate to tell my whole story in one day.


  1. Ohhh the suspense...Well, not really, I know how it comes out, I suppose. lol

  2. First of all... as an Enlgish major and a lover of the written word...I am glad that you have decided to write down all that you have been through. It is nice to see it written out. I know that I was there for all of it, and I will never truly understand what you went through...but I love it! And I applaud you for it!
    Second... I love you and...that's all I got...wait...I am thankful that we are where we are. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a person that appreciates all the ups and downs that you went through to get where you are today. And I am also thankful that you don't take for granted one moment of heartache that you went to get through to have the two amazing girls that WE have =)

  3. :) I'm pulling for you guys this time around.
