Friday, May 20, 2011

I know I said I would give you more on my previous journey, but I have a completely different post to make today. I promise to get back to it tomorrow.

So let’s fast forward to present day…

I was put on birth control for a month to ensure a relatively predictable start to my cycle. I took my last active pill Tuesday night and woke up this morning to find that I started! This puts us at Day 1 and to someone going through fertility treatments, Day 1 is a big deal. This could be Day 1 of ‘let’s wait another month.’ This could mean Day 1 of a heartbreaking 28 day cycle. OR this could be Day 1 of a wonderful pregnancy.

Creating a life to me isn’t some wonderful date night with my husband. It’s not thinking back, out of the blue, when I think my last period was. It’s not an excited trip to the drug store to buy a (single) pregnancy test. It’s protocol, phone calls, ultrasounds, blood work, pills, and injections. It is waiting for days or weeks and watching every second tick away on the clock. It’s buying pregnancy tests in bulk while hoping the cashier doesn’t ask any questions. So we start…

Protocol for Day 1 is to call Dr. P’s office and schedule a baseline ultrasound. I now have an appointment for Monday morning to make sure I haven’t developed any more ovarian cysts and to make sure my uterine lining is the right thickness. If all looks well, I will be given at least one prescription for

Medication #4 – Femara – With popular TV shows about people have 4, 5, or even 6 babies at a time, we’ve all heard of Clomid. This is a very similar drug but it has fewer side effects. One of the good things about Femara vs. Clomid is that is usually doesn’t cause the body to produce multiple follicles, therefore multiple births. Oops, guess my body didn’t read that memo. J

There are several factors that come into play to determine how much I take and how many days I take it. Also, I may be put on another medication at the same time. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Now we wait. Waiting is a big part of fertility treatments. And you never get used to it.

1 comment:

  1. And as you are waiting, I will be there holding your hand! Love you friend, and praying for GOD's best for you and your family!
