I've had 2 days on Gonal and there are side effects I forgot about. I anticipated (and warned those around me) about the mood changes and the fact that I will get pissed about the dumbest stuff and that I may cry at sappy commercials. But I completely forgot how stinking tired this medication makes me. My only saving grace this weekend is my cousin. My husband was out of town from Friday afternoon until Sunday night and all of the usual helpers were busy since it is Memorial Weekend. I still had to clean, do dishes, make food, change babies, listen to them cry and get up in the middle of the night when neither of them would sleep for more than 2 hours at a time (Friday night was a bad night), but I didn't have to chase them around or try to entertain them...my cousin so very kindly did that. THANK YOU!!!
I'm sooooo excited to go see Dr. P tomorrow and see how my follicles are growing! In a perfect world we want them to be over 16mm, 18-22 is ideal! I'm also curious to see how many follicles I have that are growing...keep in mind, the one that worked last time I had 2 dominant follicles and they both released, they both fertilized, they both implanted, and they both grew into healthy babies. So I'm a little leery of anything more than 2. I don't want to end up with 5 or 6 kids at once...I already have 2 at home. :D Have a wonderful day!
I'm caught up now...been slacking on reading everyone's blogs. I'm still hoping everything goes smoothly from here on!