On Tuesday morning (our 2nd wedding anniversary) we went in and did our second attempt. Again we talked about what this could mean, but with reserved optimism this time. Dr. P also put me on a new medication.
Medication #7 - Progesterone suppositories - Progesterone is one of the hormones responsible for making the uterine lining nice and thick for egg implantation. So....Here's the 'fun' part. I'm supposed to take 1 vaginal suppository when I first wake up and 1 at bedtime until I'm told I can stop. It will be for, at least, the next 2 weeks. OH, and they have to be kept refrigerated because they melt at body temperature. I'll let you use your imagination as to how 'fun' this is.
On our way to dinner that night we stopped by the hospital to see the baby girl my friend had delivered earlier that day. Because it was a hopeful day in my cycle, I could be happy for her.
No positive home pregnancy test and a phone call from the lab with my blood work results made for an interesting week. The lab tech said that my HCG level was elevated, but not high enough for them to say I was pregnant. I was told to come back in 3 days to re-test, but not to get my hopes up. Chances were, I wasn't pregnant and they were only seeing residual from the trigger shot. 2 days later, I started my period. Yet they still wanted to do a blood pregnancy test the next day. Talk about heart breaking!
So we did it again...
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